Monthly Competition Rules

The monthly competition is open to all members in good standing of the Orange Art Association. Members may submit
two entries at each meeting. You must be present to win. The categories are:

***You do not have to start in NOVICE/INTERMEDIATE category. You may start or move to ADVANCED category anytime. Upon entry to the ADVANCED category, your point score will begin at 0.

  1. NOVICE/INTERMEDIATE – This category is intended for beginning artists, workshop students and non- professional artists. Work must be original, (no copies, but painting from photographs you own is allowed) and may have been done with instructional guidance. Note: Artist accumulating a total of 21 points or more during the calendar year, in this category will be moved to advanced category at the beginning of the following year.***
  2. ADVANCED – Intended for advanced and professional artists which includes, but not limited to, artists who have had extensive training in their medium, are working artists and sell their art frequently, make art (of their medium) for a living, and art teachers (of their medium)
    All work must be original.
  3. HALL OF FAMERS – any member, past or present, which has won Hall of Fame, may bring as many
    paintings as they wish to show. Each person will receive 5 raffle tickets for participating. If two or more Hall of Fame winners are present, there will be a 1st place ribbon awarded to one of the paintings amongst the Hall of Fame entries.

The speaker/demonstrator of the month shall be the juror, and awards will be as follows for each of the 2 categories:
First Place – Blue Ribbon 7 points
Second Place – Red Ribbon 4 points
Third Place – White Ribbon 3 points
Honorable Mention – Green Ribbon 1 points

All entries must be in by 7:00 to be accepted, as judging will be promptly at 7:30. If you bring your painting in after
the judging has started, your painting will not be entered.
Framed, unframed, wrap around canvases or matted work
is acceptable. If a painting receives no award, it may be entered again. Paintings that do win awards are not eligible
for future entry.

All mediums will be judged together in each of the two categories with the exception of one rule.

If there are (5) or more pieces within the same medium in a category, then that medium will create its own category of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. For example: In the Novice/Intermediate category if there are 5 oil paintings submitted, 1 sculpture, 2
watercolors and 1 pastel, the OIL category for Novice/Intermediate will come into effect and the balance of the pieces will be judged together with only 1st and 2nd place winners because there would only be 4 pieces in it.

The number of winners in each category depends on the number of entries in that category.

  • 3 entries First place only
  • 4 entries First and Second place only
  • 5 or more entries First, Second and Third and Honorable Mention

Points associated with the award are accumulated during the calendar year for awards presented at the end of the year
and advancement to other categories. In the case of a tie on any cash awards, the money awarded will be split
among the winners equally.


An artist of the year award will be presented at the December meeting to the Advanced category artist winning the most 1st, 2nd or 3rd place points during the calendar year. Only points earned while in the Advanced category can be counted towards this award. A monetary award will be presented. Any member who becomes “Artist of the Year” for two years will be elevated to the “Hall of Fame”.

“First Place Novice/Intermediate” award

A first place award will be presented at the December meeting to the Novice/Intermediate artists accumulating the most points in this category during the calendar year. A monetary award will be presented.


Any artist who has won a 1st place ribbon in any category during the year is invited to win this award. At the December meeting, all pieces that received a blue 1st place ribbon are invited to come back for a December display and the general membership will vote via ballot for a “Member Choice” award. The winner will receive a monetary award.